Web Applications and Websites That I Created 10 To 14 Years Ago
- Some of the sites described below contain components that cannot function properly. This happened because the technology was deprecated, and I do not perform repairs and maintenance.
- You can view the website for the BASIC project by visiting www.zubaidi.my.id/basics.
- You can see a prototype of the HR Development Center, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture website by visiting www.zubaidi.my.id/sdm.
- You can try Demo Web Application 2018 by visit www.zubaidi.my.id/sebar.
- You can try Demo Web Application 2013 by visit www.zubaidi.my.id/demo.
- You can view the website for the “Miracle Medicine” online store by visiting www.zubaidi.my.id/propolis.
- You can see the prototype website for PNPM-Rural East Kalimantan by visiting www.zubaidi.my.id/kaltim1 or www.zubaidi.my.id/kaltim2.
- My other works can be seen at www.zubaidi.my.id.