Web Application for Ministry of Health
- Created, developed, and used as of February 2021.
- This application consists of two very difficult web-based computer programs. The first one can calculate and display Cohort tables as well as other duties (ARK). Then the second one can migrate data from an old database that is unstructured and has many problems (SIHA version 1.7) into a new structured database (SIHA 2.0 and SIHA 2.1).
- Using an existing database with several tables added. To calculate and display the cohort table using the SIHA version 2.0 database. This database is also used to display the “ART Register” and “Pre ART” datasets. Meanwhile, to migrate data from SIHA version 1.7 to SIHA version 2.0 then to SIHA version 2.1 using a database according to the type of application.
- ARK stands for Aplikasi Rekap Kohort or Cohort Recap Application. Whereas, SIHA stands for Sistem Informasi HIV AIDS or HIV AIDS Information System.
- If you want to try this application, please visit ark.zulfan.com. But all data is used for this public version use fake or artificial data.